Announcement, News

NASeA (नासा) द्वारा कोरोना भाईरसको संम्बन्धमा “ नासा हेल्थ हेल्प डेस्क” गठन र सबै सुरक्षित रहन अनुरोध !

आदरणिय सबैमा ,

नमस्कार !

नेप्लिज एसोसिएसन इन साउथ इस्ट अमेरिका ( नासा ) द्वारा बिश्व महामारी बनेको कोरोना भाईरसको सङ्क्रमण बाट सजग रहि सुरक्षित रहन अनुरोध र सो सम्बन्धको लागि सहयोगार्थ “ नासा हेल्थ हेल्प डेस्क” गठन भएको जानकारि !

वैज्ञानिकहरुले कोभिड–१९ नाम दिएको नयाँ कोरोना भाइरसबाट विश्वमा आज सम्म धेरै  व्यक्तिहरूको मृत्यु भएको समाचार आएको छ । विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठनले यस कोभिड–१९ भाइरसको सङ्क्रमण विश्वका धेरै  देशमा फैलिएको जनाएको छ ।  सुरुमा चीनमा मात्र सिमीत रहेको यो सङ्क्रमण दक्षिण कोरिया , इरान र ईटाली हुँदै विश्वमा नै फैलिन थालेकोले यस अवस्थालाई विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठनले नै चिन्तापूर्ण अवस्थाका रुपमा बिश्व महामारी भएको जनाएको छ ।यता विश्वका देशहरुले यो सङ्क्रमणका विरुद्धमा व्यापक मात्रामा लडिरहेका बेला चिकित्सकहरुले यो एक पटक निको भएको अनुमान लगाईएकोमा पुन सङ्क्रमण फर्किन पनि सक्ने बताएका छन् । निको भएर घर फर्किएका यस्ता बिरामीहरुमा पुनः यसको सङ्क्रमण देखिएको जापान र चीनबाट आएको  विवरणहरूमा जनाइएको छ ।निको भएका भनिएका ती मानिसको शरीरमा भाइरस पूर्ण रूपमा नष्ट नभइसकेको र यससम्बन्धी परीक्षणहरू पनि सधैँ सही नहुने भएकोले पनि सङ्क्रमितहरु लाई फेरि दोहोरिएको अनुमान चिकित्सकहरुले जनाएका छन् ।  वैज्ञानिकहरु यस प्राणघातक सङ्क्रमणको औषधिको खोजीमा लागेका छन् । तर अहिलेसम्म सम्भव भईसकेको छैन । हाल  विश्वका कैयौँ देशमा यसको सङ्क्रमण फैलिइरहेको छ र यसबाट विश्व नै त्रसित बनेको छ ।कोरोना भाइरसका कारण  अमेरिकामा मात्रै मृत्यु हुनेको संख्या यो बिज्ञप्ती तयार पार्दा सम्म १७१ पुगेको  छ ।  सङ्क्रमित हुनेको संख्या भने ११  हजार नाघेको छ ।यस परिस्थितिमा आफु  र आफ्नो परिवार सुरक्षित रहनु नै महत्वपुर्ण कुरा हो ।

“ उपचार भन्दा रोकथाम गर्नु नै सबै भन्दा राम्रो हो “ यो प्रकोपको समयमा सबै हाम्रो समाजको आदरणिय सदस्यहरू घर परिवार सहित सजग रहि , रोकथामको उपायहरू पूर्ण र सहि ढंगले अबलम्बन गर्दै सुरक्षित रहनु हुन नासा हार्दिक अपिल गर्दछ । बिश्व स्वास्थ संगठन ( WHO ) र रोग नियन्त्रण तथा रोकथाम केन्द्र ( CDC अमेरिका ) बाट प्रकाशित COVID – 19 को रोकथामको उपायहरू अबलम्बन गर्नु र सो बारेको लक्षणहरू संम्बन्धी जानकारी राख्नु यति बेला मुख्य प्राथमिकताको बिषय बनेको छ ।

कसैलाई यस सम्बन्धि जानकारी लिनु परेमा वा सो संम्बन्धमा कुनै चासो भए निम्न लिखित बिशेषज्ञहरू सम्मिलित “ नासा हेल्थ हेल्प डेस्क “ गठन भएकोले उंहाहरू संग सिधा सम्पर्क गर्नु भइ जानकारी लिनु हुन नेप्लिज एसोसिएसन इन साउथ इस्ट अमेरिका , नासा हार्दिक अनुरोध पनि गर्दछ ।

“ नासा हेल्थ हेल्प डेस्क “ का विशेषज्ञहरू :

Dr. Sanjeeb Sapkota, GA

Phone: 678-557-8389 | Email: [email protected]

Dr. Atit Bhattachan, SC

Phone: 804-551-6842 | Email: [email protected]< /div>

Dr. Samar Paiza, SC

Phone: 716-868-7289 | Email: [email protected]

Dr. Nita Thapa, SC

Phone: 803-319-6779 | Email: [email protected]

Dr. Ramu Kharel, GA
Phone: 713-297-5087 | Email: [email protected]
Dr. Kuber Ghimire

Phone: 512-9037287 | Email: [email protected]

Dr. Laxman Pokhrel, NC

Phone: 562-708-5990 | [email protected]

Dr. Rupak Thapa, NC

Phone: 610-931-7197 | Email: [email protected]

Dr. Manoj Bhattarai, FL

Phone: 401-489-2453 | Email: [email protected]

बिनय अर्याल

अध्यक्ष , नासा

कृष्ण श्रेष्ठ

महासचिब , नासा

Call for an Essay Contest Visit Nepal 2020

Respected Community Members , beloved Students and respective parents ! 

NASeA region and beyond 


Call for an Essay Contest on “ Visit Nepal  2020 “ 

On behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America ( NASeA ) , it is my immense pleasure to let you know all again that NASeA has officially endorsed “ Visit Nepal Year 2020 “ event . It had announced 19 points various events to promote VNY 2020 here in America . 

Out of these various events , ESSAY CONTEST on “ Visit Nepal 2020 “ is one of the very important,  informative and attractive event . Our Joint Secretary and committee chair of “ Women’s and Children Committee “ Ms Rama Ghimire is coordinating this event . All details about this event is attached . Main important info of these attachments are :

  1. Essay will be written in English on the topic “ Visit Nepal 2020 “ for this contest . This contest is open for all without any geographical boundary .
  2. Maximum words for the essay is 1500 . Words on Title and Bibliography will not be counted .
  3. Deadline date to submit essay is 1159 PM of 29 Feb 2020, Saturday.
  4. Winners will be announced on 09 March 2020, Monday .
  5. Essay can be submitted in any of two categories. General Group ( all except student group ) and High School and college Students Group ) .
  6. Judgement of Judging Committee is FINAL. 
  7. First , Second and Third winners of both categories will receive cash prizes of $ 250, $ 150 and $ 100 and certificates .
  8. Essay need to be submitted in provided email in announcement “ [email protected] “ and copy to [email protected] in  pdf format .
  9. Essay Writer’s name , address , phone number , email ID and single PP size photograph is required .

VNY 2020 committee and the NASeA’s executive committee expresses the sincere thanks and appreciate to all following sponsors for their support and contribution for the cash prizes .

  • For the TWO first prizes of $ 250 each for both categories 
  1. Sita , Sachin and Puja Nepal form Florida  in the memory of late Dr Shiva Nepal 
  2. Suresh Wagle from Boston 
  • For the TWO second prizes of $ 150 each for both categories 
  1. Dinesh and Laxmi Khatiwada from Florida 
  2. Keshab Baral from Virginia 
  • For the TWO third prizes of $ 100 each for both categories 
  1. Mani Paneru from California 
  2. Babu Subedi from North Carolina 

All community members and respective parents of students  are kindly requested to be part of this event and encourage your respective students to take part in this essay contest. NASeA also requests to all media and various organizations to spread this announcement in your respective groups and encourage all to participate in this contest .

Thank You 

Krishna Shrestha 

General Secretary 


22 January 2020 


Additional Information:


Nepal is celebrating the year 2020 as a national tourism year as “Visit Nepal 2020” with a target of bringing two million tourists to Nepal. NASeA has officially endorsed and tried to promote Visit Nepal 2020. It is our pleasure to announce that NASeA is organizing an essay contest on “Visit Nepal 2020” in to attract more tourists to Nepal.

This contest is open for two different groups of authors: General group, open for all, and College and High School Students. However, any interested contestant can write essay on any of these categories.  The authors are to submit their essays in pdf form to [email protected]. The goal of these contests is to highlight Nepal throughout the world and to promote the Nepalese government’s vision to develop Nepal as major tourist destination. The documents should be limited to 1500 words with plenty of pictures.

General Category: The essay in the general category should highlight major tourist attractions in Nepal, and should be informative and persuasive in order to promote the Visit Nepal 2020 initiative, and include any recommendations to the specific destinations and their specialties.

High School and College Students: The intent of this essay is to introduce Nepal and its rich natural, cultural, biological, and historical heritage to universities and schools.  Many universities and colleges offer study abroad programs. This category essay should promote academic programs such as study abroad, service learning courses or the student exchange to Nepal from different universities and schools.

An official panel will be judging the essays and the committee’s decision will be the final decision. First, second, and third of each category will be awarded by 250, 150, and 100 dollars respectively. The essay will be published in the NASeA publication, Shangri-La on Visit Nepal Special edition.

Judging criteria:
1. Scope of research (40%) 2. Originality (20%) 3. Organization of content (10%) 4. Logic development (10%) 5. Completeness (10%) 6. Reference and links (10%)


Essay submission deadline – Saturday, February 29, 2020 Winner announcement – Monday, March 9, 2020.



If you have any question, please reach out to the essay contest coordinator  Rama Ghimire at [email protected] or [email protected].

Essay Contest Sponsors

1st Prize – Sita, Sachin and Puja Nepal in Memory of Dr. Shiva Nepal from Florida 1st Prize – Suresh Wagle from Boston  2nd prize – Dinesh and Laxmi Khatiwada from Florida 2nd prize – Keshab Baral from Virigina 3rd prize – Mani Paneru from California 3rd prize – Babu Subedi from North Carolina


NASeA Wishes a Happy Holidays, Joyful Christmas and Happy New Year 2020 !!!

Respected Community Members,

NASeA Region and Beyond

Namaskar and Happy Holidays !

Holidays is the time to relax, time to enjoy and time to have a fun with friends and families. During this holiday season, on behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA), we wish to you all and your beautiful families a happy holiday filled with contentment, joy, happiness, peace and love. May your holidays be filled with sparkles and spirit. We would also like to wish you and the loved ones all the wonder and magic of Christmas.

Along with the happy holidays, we wish you all the respected community members to have a very happy and wonderful NEW YEAR 2020 as well. May this new year fulfills your all dreams and keeps you all healthy, wealthy and happy throughout the year of 2020.

Thank you,


Binaya Aryal

President, NASeA


Krishna Shrestha

General Secretary, NASeA


24 Dec 2019

Congratulation Newly Elected NCNC Executive Board

Respected Mr Rabindra Karki  Jee,


And the entire newly elected executive board ,

Nepal  Center of North Carolina (NCNC)

On behalf of NASeA executive committee, It is our immense pleasure to know that new executive committee of NCNC under your leadership for the tenure of 2020-21 is elected on the first time historic election in the history of NCNC on 07 Dec 2019  .On behalf of NASeA executive committee and its entire family , we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and the entire newly elected executive board of excellence as under and wish you all a very productive and successful tenure .

NCNC  Executive Committee 2020-21

1.President – Mr Rabindra Karki
2.Senior VP – Mr Ram Poudel
3.Vice President- Mr Kamal Kafle
4.Executive Secretary- Mr Yogendra Gautam
5.Joint Secretary- Mr Ananda Ghimire
6.Treasurer – Mr Shiva Bhattarai
7.Board of Director – Ms Bhagabati Neupane
8.Board of Director- Mr Laxmi Nath Poudel
9.Board of Director – Mr Dharma Raj Pantha
10.Board of Director -Mr Prem Kumar Pradhan
11.Board of Director-Mr John Poudel

As usual in the past, NASeA as a regional organization had always been working with this prestigious organization together for the benefits and many common agenda of our community . NASeA and NCNC have always been instrumental to each other’s success through their respective help, cooperation, coordination and many partnerships for community oriented activities . It is always imperative to recall that NCNC had hosted two NASeA’s solo conventions in 2001 and 2004 , and one NASeA / ANMA Joint Convention In 2009 . NASeA has also been continuously supporting and actively participating in Nepal Day Parade every year  since the recognition of this day in 2017 and also participating in Run4Nepal event organized by NCNC . Again , our executive committee is eagerly waiting to work more closely together with your newly formed executive board in the days ahead .

NASeA executive board would like to thank the immediate past president of NCNC Dr Batu Sharma  and his team of excellence for the successfully  completion  of their tenure .NASeA also would like to thank and appreciate the Election Committee  chaired by NASeA’s former President Dr Narayan Rajbhandari who conducted this first time historic election In the history of NCNC in a fair , neutral , transparent , professional and democratic way .

Always for the community !!!

Thank you


Binay Aryal

President , NASeA

Krishna Shrestha

General Secretary , NASeA

10 Dec 2019