Announcement, News

NASeA’s appeal to all community members to be alert and vigilant with hurricane IRMA and proudly offer the help including the shelter facility !


Respected community members , 


We all are aware with hurricane IRMA which is forecasted to be category 4 in Florida and will hit south Florida in coming Sunday /Monday and will move north afterwards . This would be a powerful and deadly which can make a catastrophic damages . Many locations of south Florida are already ordered for mandatory evacuations and rest of the locations are also highly recommended either to be self evacuated or use Shelter . 

NASeA has coordinated with the other state organizations including NAG ( Georgia ) , NCNC ( North Carolina ) , NAF ( Florida ) , NANA ( North Alabama ) , ALNA ( Alabama ) , SCAN ( South Carolina ) and TNCC ( NC, Triad ) to help the needy community members .The willingness to help in such a situation by the presidents of all above mentioned organizations are highly appreciated . In this anticipated life threatening difficult situation , President Madhav Dhakal jee and the entire  NASeA executive board would like to request to all community members to be more vigilant and alert to protect yourself and families . NASeA also advises to follow all possible maximum precaution and safety measures , and to be away from danger zone . 

NASeA also offer any kind of help to the needy community members including the shelter facility in our regions. Any of our newly elected executive board members, all state organizations  and other volunteers are more than happy to help and ease this difficult situation to our community members . 

All of you are kindly requested to contact following for any kind of help .Please do not hesitate to contact . A google document is also attached to sign up by host who is interested to provide shelter ( lodging ) facility and by guest who needs lodging facility .

  1. In North Carolina area – Madhav Dhakal , High point. Dial # 3364714709
  2. In South Carolina area – Satish Gupta . Dial #  9194555151
  3. In Georgia Area – Ambika Lohani Sharma . Dial # 6789231064
  4. In Alabama area – Dr Suman Silwal . Dial # 2058377728
  5. In north Alabama Area – Madhav Mainali – Dial # 2566532205 
  6. In Tennessee area – Dr Binita KC . Dial # 3015386943
  7. In Florida area – Krishna Shrestha . Dial # 5613100694 
  8. In Florida area – Ram Thapa. Dial – 5613139721

NASeA pray for the safety of all affected community members ! May God bless all ! 

Stay safe ! 


Krishna Shrestha

General Secretary 

NASeA( 2017-19) 

Press Release

Dear Nepalese Association in Southeast America Community Members and beyond,

We have been working tirelessly since the time of the incident and have not been taking this matter lightly. Following the NASeA/ANMA Joint Convention in Charlotte, we have had multiple emergency meetings to address this extremely important issue.
NASeA is working seriously and tirelessly to resolve this case with the best possible options through our emergency meetings. Finally, the fourth emergency meeting of the Executive Board of NASeA, held on Sept. 23, 2017,  has decided the following:

“The membership of NASEA of Sushil Nepal, is expelled effective from today (Saturday, September 23, 2017) as per the NASeA Bylaws, Article V , para 1 , sub para 1 for disorderly conduct in an Association event and other acts inimical to the image of the Association .”

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.


Madhav Dhakal

Krishna Shrestha
General Secretary

Nepalese Association in Southeast America


Date of Notice: September 5, 2017
Date of Election:September 3rd, 2017
Time of Election: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Place of Election: Crown Plaza Hotel, Charlotte, NC

Dear President Elect. Mr. Dhakal,

Attached herewith please find the official results NASeA 2017 Election. Manual count sheets with witness signatures have been handed over to the newly elected General Secretary Mr. Krishna Shrestha for record keeping. Anyone who was not present during the Oath ceremony must make plans to contact election chair to conduct official oath before they are eligible to participate in official conduct of business. Appointment letter and certificates have been issued already. Those who have not received yet must contact General Secretary. General Secretary should keep a copy of appointment letters for organizational records.

On behalf of the commission members, we want to thank you for all your logistical support. Please extend our sincere thank you to candidates, voters and volunteers. Congratulations to all the winners. We wish the newly elected team all the best in furthering the mission and ideals of your organization.


Shaubhagya L. Shrestha
Chief Election Commission

Download (PDF, 546KB)

NASeA proudly contributes $1686.00 to Help Nepal Flood Victims

Please click the link and extend your support now: 

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Respected Nepalese Community members and Friends of Nepal in NASeA region and beyond,
On behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) we express our heartfelt condolence for loss of precious lives due to recent flood in several Terai districts of Nepal. Thousands of people and their livelihoods have been effected by this flood. Once again, our beloved motherland Nepal faces a crisis of Natural disaster and we all need to extend our support. To overcome this situation, NASeA had immediately pledged  $499.00 (Four Hundred Ninety-nine dollars) and generously requested all to be part of this fundraising effort. At this moment, here in USA our hearts and prayer go out to all the victims of flood affected area due to hurricane Harvey in Texas and Louisiana. Let us all be the part of this humanitarian task.  
It is my great pleasure to share with you all that during NASeA 29th Executive Committee meeting which was also the last official meeting of the NASeA Executive Committee 2015-2017 held on Sunday, August 27, 2017 unanimously decided to dispatch the fund collected so far to Help Nepal Flood Victims for the immediate Relief work by our two reputed partner organisations Sangsangai (Natsha Wozniak) and Madheshi Association in America’s (MAA). They both have effective ground network in the flood affected area in Terai districts  of Nepal. 
As updated by Treasurer Pashupati Neupane  fund received and pledged so far is $1,686.00 from various donors including NASeA $499.00 initial contribution. For your kind information, today $843.00 (Eight Hundred and forty three dollars) has been wire transferred to the Sangsangai  and  Madheshi Association in America’s (MAA) to their respective bank account from NASeA Checking account. Please find the attached wire transfer documents.
Once again, I salute you all officers, Advisers, Former Presidents and NASeA well wishers for your immediate contribution towards raising the fund to help and support recent Flood Victims in Nepal.
I have copied Natsha, President of Sangsangai  and  Sangit Rauniyar, General Secretary, Madheshi Association in America’s (MAA).  With this note, I humbly request the respective organisations to update the status of  our contribution for the record purposes once the relief work in completed. I extend special thanks to Dr. Anup Srivastav for coordinating with MAA to expedite this humanitarian task.
Once again, I salute you all for the contribution and kindly request you all contribute!  If you have not yet contributed please act now and donate your part and touch the hearts of the flood victims:  
Please visit to find the donors list so far via online and their pledged contribution:
Always for Nepali American Community and Friends of Nepal! 
With Respect,
Bimal Nepal, 
And Executive Members 
Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) 
Please open the link and Register/Book the Hotel for Joint convention 2017: