NASeA Virtual AGM Program 2020
Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/98477647023?pwd=V3l2VmY4eVZTU2Q4dEl0cmxrYzdHUT09
Meeting ID: 984 7764 7023
Passcode: 828094
Live @ NASeA Facebook
Dear NASeA family, friends and all community members,
It’s my immense pleasure to announce to you all that our beloved organization Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) is going to organize a Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2020 this year due to the pandemic. As US major national and regional conventions including DNC and RNC are taking place virtually, we thought this would be the best way of having our convention this year. We all know that we have been organizing the joint conventions with our partner organization ANMA every year since 2005. However, due to the pandemic, our partner ANMA has cancelled this year’s physical convention. As per the bylaws of NASeA, we should have our Annual General Meeting (AGM) at least once a year. Thus, NASeA Executive Committee decided to organize a virtual program on Saturday, September 5, 2020 (Labor Day Weekend).
On behalf of the Virtual AGM 2020 organizing committee, I would like to cordially invite all our community members and beyond to participate in this virtual program. We encourage everyone to join us in harmony across the globe. You will enjoy the day long programs that include literary, health, youth women and cultural programs. Please consider this as an open invitation. I hope you will enjoy the programs as much as the previous conventions. Our convention zoom link will open at 9:30AM eastern time with the social hours, and the formal program will start with the opening ceremony at 10:00AM EST. Please find the program schedule details in the attachment.
Our theme for this year is “Navigating the Future”. We hope this will encapsulate our goals for inclusion and progression. We are in a digital era that is stepping forward to the next generation of talent in a more creative way as well as connecting globally in one platform.
Thank you and we look forward to making this program a grand success together. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to the program organizing Core-Committee or me at [email protected] or Ph: 678-923-1064.
Your small contribution is very important for the community’s advancement. To donation, please Click Here
Ambika Lohani Sharma
Virtual AGM 2020 Program
Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)
Stay Safe & healthy!