Date: August 30, 2017
Subj: New Voting hours for upcoming NASeA Election is from 8:00AM to 4:30PM for Sunday September 3rd
Pursuant to the request received from the NASeA current Board, based on suggestions and requests by the election candidates a request via email was made by the current President Mr. Bimal Nepal to reconsider the originally planned election hours from 8:00AM to 3:00 PM be changed to 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM instead.
Election Commission after deliberation has agreed to alter the time. New time will be from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Election Commission
Date: August 30, 2017
Subj:Further clarification of code of conduct #13 by election commission
Upon review of the code of conduct, election commission was brought to the attention that current cde of conduct listed below might pose some confusion and conflict. Election commission is publishing the new revised code of conduct to replace the old one with immediate effect.
Old code of conduct rule #13
13. If more than allocated number of persons are marked then for that position entire ballot will be invalid, but it will not affect the other positions. Example: If some one votes for both Presidents but correctly votes for other positions only the votes for President will be invalid and others will be counted. Example 2: If someone checks marks for 16 or more person in the board ballot then entire ballot will be invalid. However if instead of 15 , someone decides to select only 8 then all eight will be counted.
New rule #13 is as follows.
Officer Ballot: In the case of Officers ballot only the position in question will be invalid and votes will not be counted for that position only but all other valid position will be counted. Example: If some one votes for both Presidents but correctly votes for other positions only the votes for President will be not be counted and all others will be counted.
Board Ballot: If more than allocated number of persons are marked then entire ballot will be invalid. Example: If someone checks 16 or more candidates in the board ballot then entire ballot will be invalid. However if instead of 15 , someone decides to select only 8 then all eight will be counted for appropriate candidates
Election Commission
Respected Candidates and Voters,
Please find below the announcement released by NASeA Election Commission 2017 and be advised to follow the instruction and together let us all be the part of democratic process electing NASeA Officers 2017-2019 and help Election Commission conduct free and fair election.
For your kind information, upon Candidates and Voters request, on behalf of joint convention 2017 we have requested you all to be the part of “Meet and Greet program for NASeA Candidates” which will be held on Saturday, September 2nd, 2017 at 6-7 PM This event will commence after the opening ceremony. Encourage you all to be the part of the opening ceremony as well.
Important of all let us encourage our family,friends, and Voters to register for the joint convention and together help us plan the event better and make it sucess. http://jointconvention.org/registration/
Once again, Best of Luck to you all.
With Respect,
Bimal Nepal
President, NASeA
Congratulations! Alok Acharya for being the recipient of $2000.00 of 2017 Prahlad & Bindu Pant Scholarship Award.
On behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) together with NASeA Academic and Professional Committee, Chair Dr. Manoj K. Jha and the Executive members, it is my great pleasure to share with you all that Alok Acharya from Irving, Texas as the winner of $2000.00 “2017 Prahlad & Bindu Pant Scholarship Award”.
As per official announcement received from the Chair of Academic and Professional Committee, NASeA, Dr. Manoj K. Jha, Mr. Acharyae has been declared the winner for this year’s Prahlad and Bindu Pant $2000.00 Scholarship award. He has received his high school graduation from MacArthur High School (Irving, TX) in 2017 and currently enrolled in the University of Texas at Arlington for his undergraduate study.
Mr. Acharya, please be advised to attend the 13th NASeA/ANMA Joint Convention 2017 to be held during Sept. 1-3, 2017 in Charlotte, North Carolina to receive this cash award. As announced, the winner must be present at the convention to receive the award. For joint convention details please visit www.jointconvention.org
With this note, please join me in saluting respected Dr. Prahlad Pant and Bindu Pant for establishing this prestigious award “Prahlad & Bindu Pant Scholarship Award” to help and financially support the needy youths of our Nepali American community in the US to complete their dream of higher studies.
NASeA is proud to be the administrator of this prestigious award and I extend special thanks to Academic and Professional Committee, Chair Dr. Jha and his team members for the outstanding work in completing the task of selection process of this award.
Once again congratulations Alok and wish you all the best for your academic excellence!
Always for the Nepali American community and Friends of Nepal!
With Respect,
Bimal Nepal,
Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)
Please open the link and Register/Book the Hotel for Joint convention 2017:
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