Announcement, News

Affordable Care Health Insurance Enrollment for 2018!

Enrollment Deadline: 01 Nov 2017 to 15 Dec 2017 

All respected community members,

NASeA region and beyond

Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) is posting this information to remind all community members for the enrollment of Affordable Care Health Insurance. As we know that Affordable Care needs to be enrolled every year on time within the deadline date for the coverage of coming year. Enrollment for the coverage of 2018 opens on 01 November 2017 and ends on 15 December 2017.

Started November 1, you can log in to, fill out the application no later than 15 December 2017 and enroll in a 2018 Marketplace health Plan which starts the coverage from 1 January 2018.

This is the shorter enrollment period than previous years, so it is important to act quickly. If you do not act by December 15, you cannot get 2018 coverage unless you are qualifying for special enrollment period.

NASeA also kindly request to all social leaders, state and local organizations to disseminate this information to your respective region/ area to make sure that all needy community members will not miss out this opportunity.

For detail information to apply, click on the below website.

Thank you.

Executive Committee

NASeA 2017-2019

Domestic Violence Help Line

Download (PDF, 378KB)

NASeA condemns the terrorist tragedy

Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) condemns the terrorist tragedy that took place last night in Las Vegas. One should not worry of such horror when attending a fund, jubilant event. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected victims and families.

Human reliance is tested most during these troubling times but we prevail.

Thank you

NASeA Family

बिजया दशमी तथा दिपावली २०७४ को पावन शुभअबसरमा नासा ( NASeA) को मंगलमय शुभकामना !


बिजया दशमी तथा शुभ दिपावली २०७४ को पावन शुभ अबसरमा दक्षिण पूर्बी अमेरिकी राज्यहरूमा बसोबास गर्नुहुने नेपालीहरूको साझा संगठन नासा ( NASeA- Nepalese Associations  in Southeast America )

को हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना !!!


सत्यले असत्य माथि , न्यायले अन्याय माथि , शान्तिले अशान्ति माथि अनि देबीले राक्षस माथि बिजय प्राप्त गरेको खुशियालीमा बिजया दशमी भनेर यूगौंदेखि धुमधामका साथ मनाऊँदै आईरहेको बडा दशैं अन्तर्गत यस बर्ष बि.सं.२०७४ को यो शुभ अबसर र लगत्तै हुने शुभ दिपावली सहितको उपलक्ष्यमा नासाको सबै आजिबन सदस्यहरू , साधारण सदस्यहरू , शुभचिन्तकहरू र नेपाल भित्र तथा बाहिर संसारको बिभिन्न ठॉउमा रहनुहुने नेपाली समुदायहरू प्रति नासाको तर्फबाट यहॉहरूको सुस्वास्थ , दीर्घायु , सुख , शान्ति , संबृद्धि र उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको लागि हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना अर्पण गर्दछौं ।



संम्पूर्ण कार्यसमिति  परिवार

नासा (NASeA)


२६ सेप्टेम्बर २०१७



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