Announcement, News

Monthly summary of NASeA activity

Dear NASeA family,
Every month, I will be bringing out a monthly summary of activities and events that NASeA organized, sponsored or news related to NASeA. Please find the highlights and summary for November.

Check out our new Website – Take a look at the new look-and-feel of our website at . Thanks to the hard work of Saunak Ranjitkar, Sagun Shrestha and Shailiedra Bajracharya the website has been updated in fast track. Stay tuned for the many new features that are being added to make it one-stop-shop forthe community information you need.

NASeA sponsored project wins Chase Community Giving Award – Ganga Ghar, a project whose guiding principle is ‘One sponsor in the US supports one child in Nepal’, has won the annual Chase Community Giving Award of $25,000 . Thanks to all NASeA members who voted to make Ganga Ghar one of the top 100 charities for this award. Further, in early February, 2012 NASeA is organizing another fundraiser for Ganga Ghar where other NASeA sponsored projects will also be displayed. Details will be out soon.

Monthly events – Several monthly events for November were held successfully including 1) November Monthly Talk Session with Nepalese Ambassador of United Kingdom 3) November Children-to-Children Webinar where two children shared PowerPoints presentations to other children across United States via web-conference. 3) Monthly Interactions with Presidents of state level organizations in the Southeast. 4) 5th Executive Board meeting.
Dheusi-Bhailo in the Southeast America – Several cities and states in Southeast America celebrated Dheusi-Bhailo to not only promote culture and herirage but to raise funds for specific activities. In Florida, INLS chapter of Florida organized Dheusi in several cities to raise funds for Pathashala, a network of Nepali school in Florida.In Georgia over $2000 was raised to support Nepali Language School in Atlanta and Soccer Team in Georgia. Triad Nepalese Culture Center in North Carolina raised over $800. Funds were also raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Columbia, South Carolina, Huntsville, Alabama and Nashville, Tennessee.
Support to Mukesh Dangi family : Nepal-America Society of Kentucky (NASK) coordinated a fund raising to support the family of deceased Mukesh Dangi, who died in a car crash on October 31st. NASK president, Priti Khatri, who is also NASeA executive members showed outstanding leadership in the fund raising were a total of $9404 funds has been raised. Thanks to all those who donated. NASeA added $100 as an organizational contribtuion to this cause.

NASeA Advisors – As per NASeA by-laws and to assist growing NASeA committees that aims to serve many different areas, following seventeen NASeA Advisors has been nominated for the period 2011-2013: 1) Dr. Khusi Ram Tiwari, Mississippi; 2) Dr. Bhaskar Dawadi, Florida 3) Dr. Sushama Pradhan, North Carolina, 4) Dr. Prahlad Pant , Georgia 5) Dr. Shiva Gautam, Massechusetts 6) Govinda Giri Prerana, Maryland, 7) Ajaya Satyal, Florida, 8 ) Bala Panta, Georgia, 9) Bob Gerzoff, Georgia, 10) Saunak Ranjitkar, Georgia, 11) Lekh Sharma, Georgia, 12) Shailendra Bajracharya, Georgia, 13) Shakti Aryal, Mississippi 14) Goverdhan Shrestha, Nepal, 15) Suman Silwal, Alabama, 16) Srijana Sharma, Geogia, 17) Tara Pun, Georgia.
Besides, the former presidents of NASeA are considered advisors as well – Dr. BIshwa Acharya, Dr. Dharmendra Dhakal, Dr. Samanta Thapa, Hari Dhungana, Dr. Ramesh Amatya, Shaubhagya Lal Shrestha, Dr. Prakash Malla, Dr. Narayan Raj Bhadari, Tek Thapa, Raja Ghale.

Representation in APAC-GA : NASeA has sent the following representatives to the 2011-2013 officials of the Asia Pacific American Council of Georgia (APAC-GA) – Raja Ghale, Ram Dongol, Pranaya Lama and Krishna Devkota. Of them, Former President Raja Ghale will also serve as Board Director of APAC-GA. I would like to thank Tek Thapa, former NASeA president, for successfully completing his term as the board director. Thanks also to NASeA Advisor Bala Panta who has been the former president of APAC-GA and one of the veterans of this organization.

Life Members in fast track – We aim at increasing the size of NASeA life members by at least double in one year and we already have 35 different people pledging to be life members. There are many advantages of being NASeA life members including. Please contact vice President Ram Dongl. have already have 25 new people plesdgd being the life memebrs of NASeA. If you wish to be NASeA life member please contact exe. Vice President Ram Dongol.

Support to A&M University grant proposal : NASeA contributed in the grant proposal submitted by faculties of Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama titled below with a strong letter of recommendation. “Farm Incubator Educational and Training Program for New and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers”. This is the second consecutuve year NASeA has contributed in this effort. Dr. Buddhi Gyawali is the point person for this endevour.
We will soon share December Calendar of event.

Sanjeeb Sapkota,
President, NASeA