Announcement, News

Dasain Celebration in the Southeast America

Dear NASeA family,
On behalf of the executive board of Nepalese Association in the Southeast America (NASeA), I wish you all a very happy and satisfying Bijaya Dashami. May goddess Durga bless all the Nepalese and the friends of Nepal in the Southeast and the rest of the nation as well as in Nepal with peace and happiness.
Nepali state organization in various states within southeast America are celebrating Dasain in different weekends of October. In some states, University based Nepali organizations are taking the lead in the celebration. Here are the dates and the cities that different state organizations of the Southeast are planning to organize Dasain Celebration in.

Nepalese Association in North Alabama (NANA) is hosting Dasain celebration on Saturday, October 8 in Huntsville, Alabama. Video of 2010 Dasain is posted at
The following day, Oct 09, Alabama Nepalese Association (ALNA) is organizing celebration in Birmingham, Alabama.

A two day Dasain celebration is being organized by Florida Nepalese Association (FNA) during Oct 15-16 in Orlando when FNA annual meeting, cultural program and visit Nepal celebration will also be held.
Florida Association of Nepalese Societies (FANS) is hosting Dasain in different cities in different dates within Florida including in Tallahassee (Oct 7), Miami (Oct 7), Tampa (Oct 8), West Palm Beach (Oct 22) and more.

Nepalese Association of Georgia (NAG) is preparing the Dasain celebration with a cultural program on Saturday, Oct 15 in Atlanta, Georgia. More info will be at
Nepalese Student Association in the University of Georgia (NSA UGA) is convening the Nepalese students for the Dasain gathering on Saturday, Oct 08 in Athens, Georgia < a href="">

Nepal-America Society of Kentucky (NASK) is organizing Dasain celebrating on Saturday, Oct 8 throughout the day from 10.00 AM to 04.00 PM in Louisville, Kentucky. Video of previous year’s celebration is at

Nepalese in Baton Rouge, Louisiana together with Students in Louisiana State University (NSA at LSU) are gathering this Sunday, Oct 02 for the Dashain celebration

Nepalese in North Mississippi are targeting Oct 8 as their day for the Dasain celebration.
Nepalese Students in Mississippi State University (NSA @ MSU) in Starkville, Mississippi are organizing the celebration on October 8 as well. and

North Carolina:
Nepali Center of Nepalese Communities (NCNC) is convening Nepalese in Cary, North Carolina over a Dasain Potluck and cultural Program on October 8.
In Greensboro, North Carolina, United Bhutanese Dasain Festival just concluded last weekend where traditional food, music and dance were held. As part of the celebration, there will be friendly soccer tournament on October. More information at

South Carolina:
South Carolina Association of the Nepalese (SCAN) is organizing Dasain get together Celebration on October 15, in Columbia, South Carolina.

Nashville Nepalese Association (NNA) is organizing a joint Dasain and Tihar celebration in on Sunday, Oct 23

Information on Dasain celebration that Arkansas Nepalese Society and Nepalese Association of North Arkansas will soon be available at and resepectively,

I am participating in the celebration/ get-together organized by several of the above Nepali organizations in the southeast America and I encourage you to join in your neighboring city/state beside the celebration in your own city’s celebration.
May Durga Bhawani bless us All!

Sanjeeb Sapkota
President, NASeA