New updated Notice:
आगामी NASeA निर्वाचनका लागि Treasurer का उमेद्वार Devraj Basel जीले आफ्नो उमेद्वारी फिर्ता लिन सहि Email प्रयोग नगरी व्यक्तिगत Email मा पठाएकोले रित नपुगी आएको मानेर उमेद्वारी कायम गरिएको थियो | नचाहँदा नचाहांदै उमेद्वारी दर्ता पनि अर्कैले गरिदिएको र पछि उमेद्वारी फिर्ता लिंदा पनि गल्तिवस Personal Email मा गएको भनेर आधिकारिक Email […]
NASeA कार्यसमिति 2019 -21का लागि सम्पन्न हुन गैरहेको निर्वाचनमा विभिन्न पदमा आफ्नो उमेद्वारी दर्ता गराउनुहुने पदाधिकारीहरुको नामावली यसैसाथ प्रकाशित गरिएको छ | उमेद्वारी दर्ता गर्ने अन्तिम मिति July 29, 2019 भित्र पर्न गएको उमेदवारीमा एउटै व्यक्तिले विभिन्न पदहरुमा आफ्नो उमेद्वारी दिनुभएको छ |
यसरि आफुले दिएको उमेद्वारीमाथि पुनर्विचार गर्न र उमेद्वारी फिर्ता लिनका लागि […]
Click the button to Donate : Alternatively, you can directly donate via Zelle Transfer using the following information: Name: NASeA Email: registration@naseaonline.org
आदरणीय नासा कार्य समितिका मित्रहरू , पूर्बाध्य़क्षहरू , पूर्ब कार्यसमितिका मित्रहरू ,सबै सल्लाहाकारहरू , सबै आजिबन तथा साधारण सदस्यहरू र सबै शुभचिन्तक एबं समुदायका मित्रहरू ! नमस्कार! आइतबार साँझ नेपालमा तराईको बारा र […]
Congratulations! On behalf of Nepalese Associations in Southeast America ( NASeA) , this is our immense pleasure to know that in the recently accomplished midterm poll of various positions of various level of American Government election , Nepalese Origin young leaders Mr. HB ( Harry ) Bhandari is elected in the position of house […]
: हार्दिक निमन्त्रणा : सम्पूर्ण नेपाली दाजु-भाई तथा दिदी-बहिनीहरु, उत्तरी अमेरिकामा रहेका नेपालीहरुको संस्थाहरु ‘अशोसिएसन ऑफ नेपलिज इन मिडवेष्ट अमेरिका (आन्मा)’, ‘अशोसिएसन ऑफ नेपलिज इन साउथ इस्ट अमेरिका (नासा)’ र अशोसिएसन ऑफ नेपलिज इन द अमेरिकाज ‘ (एएनए) को आयोजनामा आगामी २०१८ अगस्ट ३१ देखि सेप्टेम्बर २ सम्म शिकागो शहरमा भब्य नेपाली नेशनल कन्भेन्सन […]
Press Release and Invitation: Date: 7/28/2018
Nepali National Convention 2018 (ANMA, NASeA, ANA) Greetings from the Nepali National Convention 2018 Chicago, IL.
It is our immense pleasure and honor to invite you, friends and family to the Nepali National Convention 2018. Please extend our formal invitation to everyone within your reach.
Please click the link and extend your support now: https://naseaonline.org/?page_id=4009
Respected Nepalese Community members and Friends of Nepal in NASeA region and beyond, Greetings! On behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) we express our heartfelt condolence for loss of precious lives due to recent flood in several Terai districts of […]
Press Release: NASeA Silver Jubilee Day 2016 Concludes Successfully Happy Dashain – Tihar 2016 Greetings from NASeA! On the occasion of Nepali Dashain-Tihar B.S. 2073, Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) successfully held her Silver Jubilee 2016(नासा रजत महोत्सव वर्ष २०१ ६) celebration; wrapping up the day with celebratory Cultural/Concert in the magnificent city […]
12th Annual ANMA/NASeA Joint Convention, 2016 Concludes Successfully
The twelfth Annual Joint Convention of the Association of Nepalese in Midwest America (ANMA) and the Nepalese Association of Southeast America (NASeA) was held in St. Louis, MO at the Union Station – a Double Tree by Hilton Hotel from September 2-4, 2016. The Greater St. […]
Joint Press Release:
Nepali associations in the United States of America on promulgation of Nepal’s new constitution and India’s undeclared embargo
Nepal has entered a new era with the promulgation of a new constitution on September 20, 2015. The constitution was overwhelmingly passed by the members of the Constituent Assembly (CA), […]
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