Announcement, News

Help Support Victims of Flood in Nepal: 


Please click the link and extend your support now:


Collected and pledge amount as of 8/19/2017 4PM EDT Date Donor Amount Note 13-Aug-17 NASeA ( released by President Bimal Nepal) $499.00 Paypal Paid 13-Aug-17 Sunita Gautam $20.00 Paypal Paid 13-Aug-17 Bimal Jha $30.00 Paypal Paid 13-Aug-17 Arun Amatya $100.00 Paypal Paid 14-Aug-17 […]

Satsang and interaction with Dil Shova on Sunday Nov 25

Happy Vijaya Dashami 2069

“Nepali Run for Fun” – Organized by NASeA and NAG

Date and Time : Sunday, November 11, 2012 Venue : Centennial Olympic Park (Gate of the Park facing CNN) Time : 09.30 AM in the Morning

Thank you all for participating in this event.


For questions and information, please contact: Dipendra Thapa, Phone 678-428-7876, [email protected] Pranaya Lama, Phone 404-645-2129, [email protected] Mohan Bista, 678-577-3376, […]

Return of Peace Corps to Nepal

Click here to see the article about the return of Peace Corps to Nepal.

Are you eligible for EB1 Green Card??

Committee on Legal,Immigration, and Conflict Resolution of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) invites you to join an Immigration Conference Call with the topic EB1 (Alien with Extraordinary Ability)—Who qualifies? And Immigration Protection for the victims of violence (VAWA and Uvisa) with Bandita Sharma-Dahal, Esq.[ LLM]

Attorney at Law Member, American Immigration Lawyers Association


Gross Violation of Human Rights of Nepali Workers in Lebanon?

Please click here to file a petition against this gross violation

Dear Nepali Community, One of the missions of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) is to advocate for human rights and yet, in front of our own eyes we witness not only a gross violation of human rights but a modern day slavery that […]

Happy New Year 2012

Donations for Sarita DC

We have closed the donation for this. Thank you everyone who donated to this cause.

Donations for Sarita DC.

Dear friends,

Please help this innocent 11 year girl, Sarita D.C., in Nepal and who has fallen victim of the rare but dangerous disease called ITP (Immune Thrombocytic Purpura) in which her blood system […]