Announcement, News

Chance to appear on an Ad for CDC’s National Tobacco Education Campaign?

Please click here to read about the CDC’s National Tobacco Education Campaign. If you are chosen for this Ad opportunity you can have your picture appear on the advertisement along with $2,500.

Hospitality vocation training program for refugees

The International Rescue Committee in Atlanta, in partnership with the Intercontinental Hotel Group, is offering a new 4-week (@ 10 hours/week) Hospitality vocational training program for refugees interested in careers in the hospitality industry.

The program is free to participants, including all materials and transportation. The course is based on training curriculum developed within the […]

Job – Part-time Nepali language evaluator

I am contacting you on behalf of Alta Language Services. We are looking for a part-time Nepali language evaluator. The person must be a native , educated speaker of Nepali. If you or anyone you know of would be interested, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to check out our website […]

Job Opportunities

Subway restaurant Looking for 2-4 people to work in Subway, New Jersey, 10 miles from New York City,

A Subway manager, contact information below, in is looking for 2-4 people for hiring. The location is New Jersey, 10 miles from New York Ciry.

Contact: Dr. Gurucharan Sindhu Email [email protected] Phone: 201-313-6338


Nepali Translators to […]