Dear all respected community members and undergrad students!
Good Evening
ACADEMIC SCHLORSHIPS Opportunity for the college bound high school graduates.
On behalf of NASeA , it is my pleasure to share with you all about the ABI KATTEL MEMORIAL ACADEMIC SCHLORSHIPS for the college bound high school graduates. . First and second winners will be awarded with $ 1500 and $ 1000 respectively .Due to Corona Virus pandemic this year 2020, application deadline has been extended from April 30 to July 15, 2020. We encourage all qualified students to apply within deadline date. We also kindy request you all to forward this information to any other community as well.
On behalf of Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation scholarship committee, the original email sent out by Dr Archana Kattel is attached herewith .NASeA would like to thank Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation for this opportunity .
Thank you
Krishna Shrestha
General Secretary
23 June 2020
Dear all,
Hope, this email finds everybody healthy at this pandemic time. On behalf of Abi Kattel memorial Foundation, I am writing this email to let you know that we have extended the AKMF Scholarship application deadline to July 15, 2020 because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Please go to the website www.abikattelfoundation.org for details about scholarships, application, evaluation and eligibility. Please encourage the qualified students to apply on time for the open competition AKMF scholarships. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
Wish you all a healthy and safe life.
Archana Kattel, Ph.D.
Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation
Scholarship committee
All about this scholarship is mentioned below :-
1. Academic Scholarship
– First winner (amount $ 1,500)
– Second winner (amount $ 1000)
For college bound High School Graduates
Application and Selection Information
Click here to download the Application
Eligibility Requirements
Currently accepted in an undergraduate program at an institution for higher learning.
Proof of graduation from high school at the time of application.
Applicants must be full/part-time students in an educational institution.
Application must be postmarked no later than April 30 of the year. (Note: Due to Corona Virus pandemic this year 2020, we will accept application till July 15, 2020)
Mailing Instruction
A complete application package including the following documents:
Completed application form in English
An acceptance letter (a copy) from an accredited college or university.
One reference letter (from the school)
High School Transcripts
Typed, double-spaced essay (not more than two pages)
One page Extra curricular activities (as per application form)
Mail the completed application with attachments to the Foundation at the following address:
Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation – Scholarship Program
12197 Sunset Point Circle
Wellington, FL 33414
Application review:
The scholarship application review will begin August of the year by the Abi Kattel Memorial Scholarship committee (three members).
The Abi Kattel Memorial Scholarship committee chair will notify (electronically) the Award Recipient by September. Award amount will be mailed to the recipient not later than First week of November of the year.
Note: No applications or associated documentation will be returned to applicants. Recipient’s photo and name will be posted on the Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation website (www.abikattelfoundation.org).
Once the recipient receives an award winning notification she/he should
respond a letter of acceptance (including the required documents of the AKMF scholarship) within a month along with a photo to post on the website.
Important: Unable to receive a letter of acceptance from the recipient within a month will be considered as declining the scholarship award. In such cases, an alternate candidate will be awarded the AKM scholarship.