Announcement, News

नेप्लीज एसोसिएशन इन साउथ इष्ट अमेरिका, नासाको कल्चरर कमिटीको आयोजनामा भएको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम

Please click on the below link.


NASeA Hosts Virtual Cultural Program on 08 ( Children Special ) and 22 August ( TEEJ Special ) 2020

Respected all community members 

Good evening 

Virtual Cultural Program on 08 ( Children Special ) and 22 August ( TEEJ special ) 2020.


On behalf of NASeA executive committee, I hope this email finds you all well in good shape during this COVID 19 Pandemic. As a preventive measure to be away from corona virus, all schools are closed, many of us are working from home and we are also avoiding crowds and any kind of get together parties, conferences and meetings. It has been a long time staying at home by now so to refresh and provide some entertainment to our community members, NASeA’s cultural committee has been organizing virtual cultural event in series. Four cultural events have already been organized since March 2020. 

Now again, it is my pleasure to inform you all that our cultural committee is going to organize childrens’ special cultural evening on coming Saturday, 08 Aug 2020 @ 8 PM EST and TEEJ special on Saturday 22 August 2020 @ 9 PM EST. All events will be transmitted live via Enepalese and NASeA America face book page .All of you are kindly requested to join these  entertaining programs virtually .


NASeA Cultural Event

Please click on this link to view NASeA organized cultural event.



नेप्लीज एसोसिएशन इन साउथ इष्ट अमेरिका, नासाको कल्चरर कमिटीको आयोजनामा भएको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम-भिडियो

नेप्लीज एसोसिएशन इन साउथ इष्ट अमेरिका, नासाको कल्चरर कमिटीको आयोजनामा भएको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत कमेडी नाइट मा हास्यँ कलाकारहरू किरण केसी , यमन श्रेष्ठ, राजा राजेन्द्र का साथमा अन्य प्रस्तुतिहरू