Announcement, News

ANMA/NASeA/ANA Press Release and Invitation

Press Release and Invitation: Date: 7/28/2018 

Nepali National Convention 2018 (ANMA, NASeA, ANA) 
Greetings from the Nepali National Convention 2018 Chicago, IL.

It is our immense pleasure and honor to invite you, friends and family to the Nepali National Convention 2018. Please extend our formal invitation to everyone within your reach.

The convention is being hosted by Association of Nepalese in Mid-West America (ANMA), Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) and Association of Nepalese in the Americas (ANA) and other local Nepalese organizations on Labor Day weekend (Aug 31 -Sept 2) 2018 at Hilton Rosemont/Chicago O’Hare, IL, USA.

The National Convention with the theme being “Unity for Nepalese Community” is trying to bring and unite together hundreds of key members of the Nepali Americans from across the States as well as from Canada. We are planning to discuss the wide range of issues but not limited to
Ø Nepal Forum- the Panel discussion on Nepal centric contemporary issues
Ø Movie festival/award with noted and reputed artists coming from Nepal
Ø Expert presentations from different professionals including immigration, health, research and other areas of interest
Ø Cultural program from locals and other convention participants
Ø Concert show with popular singers from Nepal
Ø Job fair with possible onsite screening and Vendor show
Ø Investment and Tourism forum with relevant expertise from USA and Nepal

Few direct useful links for convention programs

Direct link for Vendor booth ($500 per table) if you want to advertise your business and work The table will be provided on the lobby, passage or in a separate room depending upon the participant,…/

Registration Direct link for Convention

Sponsorship direct link ( Any level of support is greatly appreciated)

For more information about our program please visit our convention site

The document which briefly explains the convention and downloadable from…/Convention-Sponsorsh…

and on a Facebook page “Nepali National Convention 2018”.

Host Organization Presidents,

Mr. Bala Ghimire: President, ANMA
Mr. Madhav Dhakal : President, NASeA
Mr. Medini Adhikari: President, ANA

Call for Application for Prahlad & Bindu Pant Scholarship Award 2018

Prahlad & Bindu Pant Scholarship Award 2018

$2,500 Awarded on the basis of student’s financial need

 Managed by

Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)

This scholarship was established by Dr. Prahlad and Mrs. Bindu Pant in 2013. It is awarded annually to “one” student on the basis of the financial needs of the student and not on the basis of merit. The award is managed and coordinated by Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA). NASeA’s Academic and Professional committee will make the selection on the basis of the financial needs of the applicant, and its decision will be final. The award this year will be presented at the Nepali National Convention 2018 (; Aug 31 – Sept 2, Chicago, Illinois. The amount of the award for 2018 is $2,500.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Full-time undergraduate student (freshman or sophomore only)
  • Currently residing anywhere in U.S. (no requirement of U.S. Resident or Citizen)
  • Nepalese origin (one or both parents from Nepal)
  • S. high school graduate
  • Scholarship winner must be present at the Convention to receive the award

Required Documents (submit ONE pdf file inclusive of all required documents listed below):

  1. Application form (see next page)
  2. Certificate of graduation from high school in U.S.
  3. Letter of admission from a US college or university
  4. Copy of financial aid, if any, received from the college or university
  5. Parent’s or Guardian’s Federal Tax return (1040 or 1040EZ) [Note: erase SS #]
  6. 1-page essay on “why you should be awarded this need-based scholarship” (1” margin, single space, 12 size fonts, Times New Roman)

The scholarship award winner will receive:

  1. Scholarship amount of $2,500
  2. Free convention registration (a $135 value!)

Application Deadline: August 11, 2018

Award Decision: August 18, 2018

Email your application packet to Dr. Manoj K. Jha at [email protected]

Download the Scholarship Form


Happy 4th of July!

Dear all respected community leaders and members, 

NASeA region and beyond, 


Happy 4th of July! 

Happy 242nd Birthday to America 

Happy Independence Day America!!!

Today, July 4th is the most important day for America! It is the Independence Day of America! America is 242 years old today but her progress and success on the economy, science, and technology, military power, human rights, education, infrastructure medical invention along with ability and power to help others are amazing and it is hard to believe that such significant achievements in all sectors were achieved during this period.  

On this special occasion, on behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) executive committee, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and express the best wishes to America, her citizens, and all community members.

Let’s wish America to keep up the flame of liberty burning high and bright, let’s level in the spirit of fraternity each day and night Let peace be the one and only way, through which America accomplishes every aim.

Make this 4th Of July memorable by counting the blessings and appreciating our freedom. Happy Birthday to the Land of Undaunted Courage ” America”!

God bless America!!! 

Thank you 



Application to Host the joint convention 2019 is Requested

Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) proudly announces for the submission of the application to host the NASeA/ANMA joint convention during Labor Day weekend of 2019, August 30- September 01.

organizations in NASeA region will be certainly interested to host the next convention too. So to provide the equal opportunity to all interested organizations to host next convention ,with the immense pleasure we proudly announce for the submission of application no later than 11:59 PM of 15 July 2018 with the attachment of power point presentation to include at least the parameters mentioned in the next paragraph (but not limited to only those). The NASeA executive board will listen to the presentation, will have interaction with applicant organizations and will finally decide the final venue for the next convention after completion of all presentations. Date and time for presentation (s) will be notified later right after the deadline of application submission. President of NASeA Madhav Dhakal can be reached any time if any questions in this regard at [email protected] and cell phone 3364714709. All interested organizations are requested to submit their applications at [email protected]. Any subsequent information if required later on this announcement will be notified accordingly as soon as possible.

Parameters need to be included in the presentation are : –

  1. Registration Status of the applicant organization and overall history of it. Applicant organization must be registered in their respective state within NASeA region and be on active status at present.
  2. Availability of volunteers /overall Nepalese community in the vicinity of the venue.
  3. An organizational structure with the current official names.
  4. Points of the attraction of venue for visitors/families.
  5. Airport/seaport / major town in the surrounding.
  6. Availability of Hotels / Nepali – Indian restaurants.
  7. Information about facilities for various kinds of sports including soccer and volleyball.
  8. Why does the applicant think this venue would be a strong candidate for the convention? What are the strong points of this venue?
  9. Any others issues applicant thinks that need to be notified to NASeA executive committee for this purpose.

Looking forward to your interest, application, and presentation!
Thank you

Madhav Dhakal
President, NASeA

Krishna Shrestha
General Secretary, NASeA