Announcement, News

Voters List Has Been Published!

Dear Registered Voters,


Election Committee has reviewed the preliminary list submitted to us and we are very pleased to publish it.

Voters list has been published. Please visit 2019 NASeA Election Page or Click Here.

Thank You!

2019 Prahlad and Bindu Pant Scholarship

Please find attached file below for 2019 Prahlad and Bindu Pant Scholarship or Click here to download file.

Download (PDF, 629KB)

Voters List Has Been Published!

Dear Registered Voters,


Election Committee has reviewed the preliminary list submitted to us and we are very pleased to publish it.

Voters list has been published. Please visit 2019 NASeA Election Page or Click Here.

Thank You!

Voters List will be publish soon!

Due to some technical difficulties, we were unable to publish our voters list.

We are working to rectify the problem! Will be publish soon!

Thank you for your patience.