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Invitation Summer Meditation Retreat

Invitation Summer Meditation Retreat Art of Blissful Living & Meditation

LIMASS-USA: Lessons in Meditation and Spiritual Sciences, USA
Oshodhara International

July 22 – 27, 2014
Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Info / Registration:

Divya Pradhan, Ph.D. :  256-830-2115
Tilak Shrestha, Ph.D.  :  256-970-9112

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sadar Namaste!

The question, most revolutionary yet pertinent to our core being, remains – ‘who am I?’ Humanity of all regions, cultures and histories have been contemplating it, since the beginning.

One Swami Jee was praising wealth and its good uses. But just to be on the safe side, he also added that money can buy convenience ‘subidha’ only, not happiness. True happiness comes only from within. Let us remember the critical difference and act accordingly.

Dharma is about seeking truth ‘satya’ and spiritual disciplines ‘yoga.’ The ‘Gnan yoga – way of knowledge’ is the discipline of the intellect / mind, the ‘Bhakti – love and devotion’ of the heart, ‘Karma – way of unattached action’ of living in the world, and ‘Raj – way of meditation’ of realizing the ultimate reality.

  1. Shiva taught the meditation to realize I, the ego, is a part of the self conscious universe.
    A conversation between Parvati and Shiva – Vigyan Bhairav Tantra – 112 meditation techniques:
  2. Buddha confirmed it empirically ‘Tathagat’ and taught to practice within ‘Appo deepo bhava.’ His favorite meditation technique is ‘Vipassana.’Vipassana Meditation: An Introduction by S. N. Goenka:
  3. Western scientists, psychologists are also beginning to realize that pure materialistic interpretation is inadequate and leads to meditation for better understanding.Stanford Scientist: Vast, Powerful Realm between Particles Influenced by Human Consciousness
    The Primacy of Consciousness:

    What Is Consciousness? Deepak Chopra, Rudolph Tanzi, Menas Kafatos and Lothar Schäfer:

  4. Even the pure physics makes same conclusion. The quantum physics can demonstrate the link between object and observer.
    Quantum Mechanics: Animation explaining quantum physics.

Consciousness Science Kept Hidden

The Art of Blissful Living & Meditation Program is designed to tap into the vast reservoir of thousands of years of teachings of Shiva, Buddha and modern scientists. We will a. discuss the techniques for proper understanding and b. practice under the guidance of highly evolved masters. Our masters “Swami / Maa” are evolved beings with decades of practice and teaching experiences. You will feel their inner transformations. The program is designed to explore different techniques in ‘Satwik Satsanga – spiritual fellowship.’ Individuals will choose the techniques suitable to their own inclinations and useful in the stressful life styles.

The program is designed to directly experience the inner transformation, peace and wisdom. It is the self evaluation. The gains are observable within our experiential world. These are goodies on the side. The ultimate goal still remains to be free from the cycle of Karma, go beyond the measures of happiness / sadness, and to deal with the original question – ‘who am I?’

You are all cordially invited to join the Satsanga. Information:

Most sincerely,

Tilak B. Shrestha, Ph.D.
Cell: 256-970-9112
Huntsville, Alabama, USA