Announcement, News

Gross Violation of Human Rights of Nepali Workers in Lebanon?

Please click here to file a petition against this gross violation

Dear Nepali Community,
One of the missions of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) is to advocate for human rights and yet, in front of our own eyes we witness not only a gross violation of human rights but a modern day slavery that our Nepali sisters are suffering in several households in Lebanon, a middle east country, where they have come as migrant worker to earn wage for their families back home.
Here is a tragic incidence of our Nepali sister Lila Acharya who was allegedly killed following abuse and servitudes in Beirut, Lebanon.

NASeA is doing a petition drive from all like-minded organizations and individuals to send a strong message to the following authorities and agencies urging them to take immediate and adequate measures not only to safeguards the rights of migrant workers in Lebanon (and elsewhere in the middle east countries for that matter), to provide a safe, abuse-free work environment but also to bring the abusers, violators/ culprits to justice.

NASeA strongly requests
Government of Lebanon: to bring strong laws, acts and statutes that protect the lives of migrant workers and that penalize household employers who abuse migrant workers. NASeA also urges to conduct a thorough investigation of the above tragic incidence to bring the concerned to justice.
United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR): to monitor and track violations of human rights that occur in households that hire migrant workers in Lebanon or other country and hold the country accountable for such act.
Government of Nepal to strongly regulate foreign employment companies in Nepal to adequately safeguard the rights of migrant worker and begin an impactful dialogue with the country where incidences of human rights violations of Nepali workers are occurring.
United Nations: to remind each country that is a signatory of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that it should safeguard the human rights of the people that reside in the country and to urge other countries who not yet signed the declaration to sign.

On behalf of NASeA and all other who are concerned with this tragic incidence and all who wish that each Nepali migrant worker get a safe and abuse-free work environment where their human rights is fully ensured,

Sanjeeb Sapkota
Nepalese Association in Southeast America
Email [email protected]
Phone 678-557-8389