Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) proudly announces for the submission of the application to host the NASeA/ANMA joint convention during Labor Day weekend of 2019, August 30- September 01.
organizations in NASeA region will be certainly interested to host the next convention too. So to provide the equal opportunity to all interested organizations to host next convention ,with the immense pleasure we proudly announce for the submission of application no later than 11:59 PM of 15 July 2018 with the attachment of power point presentation to include at least the parameters mentioned in the next paragraph (but not limited to only those). The NASeA executive board will listen to the presentation, will have interaction with applicant organizations and will finally decide the final venue for the next convention after completion of all presentations. Date and time for presentation (s) will be notified later right after the deadline of application submission. President of NASeA Madhav Dhakal can be reached any time if any questions in this regard at [email protected] and cell phone 3364714709. All interested organizations are requested to submit their applications at [email protected]. Any subsequent information if required later on this announcement will be notified accordingly as soon as possible.
Parameters need to be included in the presentation are : –
- Registration Status of the applicant organization and overall history of it. Applicant organization must be registered in their respective state within NASeA region and be on active status at present.
- Availability of volunteers /overall Nepalese community in the vicinity of the venue.
- An organizational structure with the current official names.
- Points of the attraction of venue for visitors/families.
- Airport/seaport / major town in the surrounding.
- Availability of Hotels / Nepali – Indian restaurants.
- Information about facilities for various kinds of sports including soccer and volleyball.
- Why does the applicant think this venue would be a strong candidate for the convention? What are the strong points of this venue?
- Any others issues applicant thinks that need to be notified to NASeA executive committee for this purpose.
Looking forward to your interest, application, and presentation!
Thank you
Madhav Dhakal
President, NASeA
Krishna Shrestha
General Secretary, NASeA