Dear NASeA Community Members,
NASeA Region and beyond
It has been a very exciting first year for NASeA executive committee ( 2017-19 ) with notable quality good works. To mention a few included “Kambal” distribution ” one for one ” program for the people of Terai region effected by “Sitlahar”, help for medical treatment to renowned pop Singer of Nepal Mr. Om Bikram Bista , Establishment and implementing the NASeA Emergency fund for the cremation of our community member in North Carolina monthly talk program with His excellency Nepali Ambassador to USA Dr. Arjun K Karki, support to Nepal Center of North Carolina Inc (NCNC) to celebrate Nepal Day 2018, exhibition of typical traditional Nepalese items in North Carolina and beyond, and managing the Prahlad and Bindu Pant Scholarship award for freshman and sophomore undergraduate students , celebrating International Women’s Day with fruitful and community oriented interaction program , exhibition of solidarity and support for stopping the gun violence in America and support the campaign to attempt for the extension of TPS for Nepalese people , literature program in partnership with INLS , Georgia Chapter at Atlanta , participation in many activities of Asian/ Pacific American Council (APAC) , publication of our online portal Shangri La on quarterly basis , publication of our various information , press release in many news media and organizing the face book live event to impart our organizational activities and for the first time, we have come up with a tri-folder flyer with history, mission, and list of accomplishments of NASeA.
Your moral and physical support in this regard has been a tremendous booster for us. Now, our goal is to make you and family as our NASeA family and would like to request you to consider becoming a life member by September 2, 2018, and take advantage of the following discounted rates:
1. Family life membership-$250 ($50 discount from regular $300)
2. Individual life membership fee-$175 ($25 discount from regular $200)
3. If somebody is a single life member and had paid $200, he/she can add $50 for converting it to a family life member.
Application form for the membership and payment method can be found in or Check can be sent to NASeA’s Treasurer Dr. Nirmal Paudel at the following address: 2325 A Chavis Drive, Greenville, NC – 27858
Thakur Karki, PhD
Membership Drive Committee Chair
NASeA Membership Drive Tri-Fold Brochure