Announcement, News

नासा रजत महोत्सव वर्ष २०१६ NASeA Silver Jubilee Celebrations and Dashain –Tihar 2016



नासा रजत महोत्सव वर्ष २०१६
NASeA Silver Jubilee Celebrations, October 8, 2016 in Atlanta, GA

Respected Nepali Organizations Presidents, Community leaders, Professionals, Media Personnel and well wishers,
May Goddess Durga Bhawani Bless us all!

On behalf of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA), I take this pleasure to welcome you all to “NASeA Silver Jubilee 2016” (नासा रजत महोत्सव वर्ष २०१६) in the magnificent city of Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, October 8, 2016.

With due respect, I would like to request you to kindly lock this date October 8, 2016 where we will celebrate one-day long NASeA Silver Jubilee event with various activities including grand NASeA Dashain-Tihar party 2016 and the Cultural-Concert show.

Highlights of the event (see attached for DRAFT Program Details):
A: Inauguration/ Welcome and Business Hours: 10 AM – 4 PM
B: Cultural/Dashain-Tihar event/Concert Program: 6 PM – Midnight

NASeA together with our host organisation NAG and all our partner organizations of this region would like to celebrate and cherish our twenty five years of establishment and together set her goals for another decade.

NASeA would like to welcome our Life Members, General Members, Officers, Advisers, Former Presidents and all Presidents/Community leaders and well wishers in the US and around the world to celebrate our Silver Jubilee 2016 in a grand manner. We will definitely be a catalyst to support Nepali American Community here in US and our country of origin Nepal in all fronts.

Always with the Nepali American Community and Friends of Nepal.

With Respect,
Bimal Nepal
President and Executive Members
Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA)

Related Info:
Please use the following link to book hotel at Hampton Inn.  This hotel is located next to Global Mall, where NASeA Silver Jubilee is taking place. (Just a few feet walk from Hotel to Global Mall entrance. No need to drive)

$89 / Per Room night
Booking Link:

Hotel: Hampton Inn Norcross
Company Name: Global Mall

This is the best price I was able to get using Global Mall discount.  You may want to also look nearby hotel for better deal.

Global Mall is located at     5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd, Norcross, GA 30071

Hampton Inn is located at 5655 Jimmy Carter Blvd,  Norcross, GA 30071

Please contact me if you have further question

[email protected]

Thank you

Shailendra Bajracharya
Executive Vice President, NASeA