Announcement, News

Ms. Rashmi Kharel: Amazing one-leg-dancer performing on Saturday, June 14th ,2014 at Himalayan Spice @ 7 PM

Go Eat Live ‘Destination Nepal’ on Saturday, June 14th ,2014 at Himalayan Spice @ 7 PM

Let us join one, two and all and do not miss this special occasion.

Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) External Relations Committee and NASeA EC team I kindly request you all to be the part of  Go, Eat and Live, a non-for -profit organization, is organizing Destination Nepal   on this Saturday, June 14th ,2014 at Himalayan Spice @ 7 PM where One-Leg dancer Ms. Rashmi Kharel is performing her outstanding dances.

Please have a glance to this amazing one-leg-dancer Ms. Rashmi Kharel  who is performing tomorrow at Go Eat Live ‘Destination Nepal’