Announcement, News

Monthly Talk Session: Mr. Khagendra GC, President of NRN NCC of USA

This event has originally scheduled on Sunday July 27, 2014, but due to unforeseen circumstances it is rescheduled to August 3, 2014

The Public Relations Committee of  Nepalese Association in Southeast America(NASeA)

Extends a cordial invitation to the Monthly Talk Session with

Khagendra GC Jee
President of NRN NCC of USA

Sunday, August 3, 2014

11:00 Eastern Standard Time
Conference Call (712) 432-0385 / Code: 139004#

The theme of this month’s talk session is:  The Future of the NRN NCC of USA!
Reaching out to wider spectrum and making NRN more effective!

Khagendra Gharty Chhetry Jee is recently elected as the President of NRN NCC of USA. He secured resounding majority votes in the first ever election in NRN. He is one of the most accomplished Nepali among Nepalese Diaspora. He will share his vision and goals to strengthen the NRN movement in the USA. Chhetry Jee is the first Nepalese to be admitted to practice law in the United States. He also practiced law in the Supreme Court of Nepal. His rich and diverse resume (given below) reflects his significant achievements in life and his contribution to the societies both in Nepal and in the USA. Let us welcome and hear him.

Moderator: Dr. Nar Kaji Gurung, Associate Professor